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Recruitment Process Outsourcing For Your Business

photo of business executives discussing recruitment process outsourcing

Recruitment process outsourcing, also known as RPO, is a business strategy used to fill a variety of positions effectively. Many businesses have embraced this strategy, as it makes manpower recruitment easier and more cost-effective. It provides a good way for businesses to start new ventures and grow their teams. Thus, this is a great option for companies that are growing at a rapid pace and rely on the recruitment of external professionals to maintain their business. If you are curious about this strategy, this article will be all about the recruitment process outsourcing for your business.

What is a Recruitment Process?

A recruitment process is how companies go about hiring new employees. The process has multiple stages. However, the most common stages include the pre-screening of resumes, phone interviews, face-to-face interviews, and finally a decision. These stages usually vary in length of time and difficulty. The next question that you might have is what should you do? The first step is to have all the right qualifications in check. Aside from the certificate of employment and transcript of records, you will also need to call some job references when vetting your candidates. 

This process is critical, that it can make or break the company, especially when these are important roles you want to fill. The new hires are there to help you grow the company. Also, if a company does not have a recruitment process, it is pretty easy for them to lose its staff. This leads to poor productivity and can cause your company to lose its edge in the industry.

Outsourcing Your Strategic Recruitment

Hiring always involves either an interview process or a resume and cover letter review process. While both of these are important, there is a recruitment process specifically for recruiting. This is a series of activities that are done by a business or organization to recruit new employees. This process aims to find the right people for the right job. The more qualified candidates you have, the more chances of acquiring A-players. It is indeed a long and hard process, but it is necessary in the business world. 

When you outsource your recruitment process, your Business Process Outsourcing partner will do all the HR work for you. 

Preparation of Job Description

A job description is a detailed outline of the tasks and responsibilities involved in a specific position. It aims to attract qualified candidates who are interested in the position. A good job description should paint a detailed picture of what is expected from the employee. If it is vague, the candidate will not know what is required, and you will most likely attract the wrong applicants.

This usually includes the job title, qualifications, and training needed. It also contains the job duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, it can be written as one long paragraph such as this, or broken down into bullet lists. It should also specify who will do the responsibilities and the results that are expected from that job. The great thing about job descriptions is that it provides talents with a vivid idea of what their jobs are. Job descriptions can be for a single position or a group of positions. It’s a great way to ensure that everyone in an organization has the same idea of the job. 

With the recruitment process outsourcing, you can expect a catchy job description specially made for your company’s needs. The best business process outsourcing centers offshore can sell your company to an outstanding workforce globally. These experts will entice the best talents by showcasing competitive company benefits and culture. 

Brainstorming on Strategies

Brainstorming among the HR officers is necessary to fill crucial roles with the best talents. They can participate in job fairs or conduct scheduled interviews for graduating students. Depending on the expertise needed, they can look to hire internally within the existing teams, or externally. 

Internal Sourcing for Applicants

Internal recruitment is a method where the company looks for people among their own employees to fill vacant positions. It is a great way to fill the gaps in the business team. It also helps avoid spending money on expensive job boards. A lot of companies are also adopting internal recruitment as a way of finding a hidden talent. They encourage employees to recommend their peers for positions. This way, they avoid spending time and money on ineffective job ads.

Of course, your recruitment process partner won’t be able to do the internal sourcing for you unless they get a hold of your recruitment and hiring processes first. This means that once you have a BPO partner offshore, they can continue recruiting and managing your talents. This also means they can fill necessary positions internally anytime. 

During an internal career move, your current employee will take a new role within his current organization. It is one of the best sources of recruitment, along with external recruitment and recruitment from other departments. It is also the most common form of recruitment, especially for roles requiring familiarity with your organization’s brands, values, and processes. You will want to keep your effective employees for as long as possible, and internal recruitment can be a great way to achieve that.

External Sourcing for Applicants

When Human Resource officers cannot find the best-fitted candidates in-house, they reach out to external resources. External recruitment is a strategy used in the process of finding the right people for a job. It can be done via recruiters or job ads. It refers to a variety of actions used to hire an employee currently working at another company. In other words, the organization seeks to hire a candidate who is not currently employed by the company.

Choosing external recruitment is a strategy that businesses use to be able to hire new top talent in areas where they might not be looking enough. In this case, getting a recruitment process outsourcing partner offshore is the wisest move to make. You get wider options of efficient and impressive candidates that are perfect for the role, without breaking the bank.

The Selection Process

This process involves the screening of applicants based on their resumes and application letters. Once they have shortlisted the most eligible applicants based on the company’s requirements, interviews and necessary examinations will follow.

Hiring The Best Candidates

During the hiring process, your recruitment process partner will select the best-performing candidates during the interviews and tests. Afterward, they will also conduct the acquisition of employment requirements, orientation, training, and distribution of talents to their respective departments. 


Recruitment process outsourcing is letting an offshore BPO partner do the recruitment and hiring process for you. When you partner with the right BPO company, you have all the advantages to optimize their IT infrastructures, sources, quality assurance, and processes. The goal of outsourcing is to delegate repetitive tasks to their experts, and for you to focus on your strategies for business growth and innovation.



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