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What to Outsource to Achieve Success in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation transforms an organisation from a traditional, analog-based system into a digital-based one. The benefits of digital transformation include increased efficiency and effectiveness, improved customer experience, and reduced overall costs. While there are many different elements to digital transformation, the basics are that an organisation must move from a centralised model to a distributed model, adopt new technologies such as cloud computing and big data analytics, and create a business architecture that leverages these technologies.

Adopting these cutting-edge technologies is easier said than done, given that you will need substantial resources to integrate this innovation into your organisation and business processes. The easiest way to succeed here in this day and age is to outsource your business processes to a trusted third-party service provider. By doing so, you can leverage every advanced digital technology, and IT infrastructure providers use for competence. 

Digital Transformation Innovations

You can use many digital transformation innovations to improve various business areas. Here are some of the most common types of digital transformation innovations:

1) Automation: Automating business processes can help to speed up tasks and improve accuracy. Automated systems can also help to free up employees for other jobs.

2) Big data analytics: Collecting and analysing big data can help businesses make better decisions by providing insights into customer behaviour, trends, and opportunities.

3) Cloud computing: Moving business operations to the cloud can improve efficiency and flexibility and save businesses money on hardware and software costs.

What to Consider When Outsourcing

You can outsource many business processes effectively. But first, when deciding which functions to outsource, business owners should consider the following: 

Core Competencies

What are your business’s core competencies? What activities does your company do best and generate the most value for its customers? Then, the company should focus on these activities and outsource everything else.

When it comes to businesses, their success often boils down to their ability to identify and focus on their core competencies. These would be the areas of expertise that a company does better than anyone else and make them unique.

For some businesses, it might be their ability to produce a high-quality product or service. Others might excel at customer service or have a strong marketing strategy. Whatever it is, finding and honing in on your company’s core competencies is key to success.

It’s important to remember that a business can’t be good at everything. They need to stick to what they do best. Identifying and refining these skills is essential for any company looking to grow and succeed in the long run. You can always outsource repetitive tasks to third-party service providers offshore as you move along. 

You might want to hire the experts you need for your core competencies in-house such as expanding into new markets or developing new products, since these can be costly, risky and need your close attention. On a lighter note, you can still outsource customer service and digital marketing offshore and still get the best quality outputs. This is because third-party service providers have the competent IT infrastructures and experts to keep up with today’s fast-paced digital transformation.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Second, what are the company’s strengths and weaknesses? What does the company do well, and where is it weak? Outsourcing those activities where the company is weak can help improve performance.

Small businesses have many strengths, including being more agile and making decisions quickly. They are also often better at customer service because they focus more on client relationships. However, small businesses also have some weaknesses. For example, they can be less able to absorb financial shocks and may not have the resources to expand quickly when needed. You can outsource financial services such as bookkeeping and accounting from BPO service providers to track your finances better and reduce your financial risks. 

Moving forward, small businesses can also be more susceptible to fluctuations in the economy and changes in customer preferences. Thus, you can instead outsource consistent market research functions from experts offshore.

Your Company’s Strategy

Third, what is the company’s strategy? What are its goals and objectives? Again, outsourcing can help achieve these objectives by freeing up resources to focus on other business areas.

When starting a company, one of the most important decisions you will make is your strategy. There are two main types of strategies: offensive and defensive. An offensive strategy is where you try to take over your competition, while a defensive strategy is where you try to stay ahead of the competition. Many startups choose to use a defensive strategy in order to minimise risk.

There are many different ways to execute a defensive strategy, and the most crucial part is choosing the right one for your company. One option is to focus on innovation and creating new products or services that your competition does not offer. You can also focus on efficiency and try to reduce costs more than your competition. Another option is targeting a specific market segment your competitors do not serve well. If your competitors are not yet adept with their digital marketing strategies, you can exert your strategic efforts there to be steps ahead of them. Finally, you will attract more marketing qualified leads by outsourcing your social media growth and digital content. 

Costs to Perform a Given Activity Internally Versus Externally

In-house hiring typically offers more job security and a sense of community, while outsourcing can provide more specialisation, cost savings, and scalability.

When a business decides to outsource a process, it is often done to save money. The thinking is that the business can reduce its overhead costs by bringing in an expert who is not on the company’s payroll. Additionally, there are also benefits to outsourcing beyond cost savings. For example, businesses can often access better technology and processes by working with an outside provider.

When people work in-house, on the other hand, they are typically part of a team, and they know that their job is secure as long as the company is doing well. This sense of security can be important for employees’ morale and motivation. 

Everything boils down to knowing your company’s core competencies and discussing them with your fellow executives which strategies can save you costs while not jeopardising the quality of your outputs. 

What You Can Outsource to Achieve Digital Transformation Success

There are a number of business processes that you can outsource, which will be tackled down below.


Digital transformation includes implementing marketing strategies that are effective in the digital age. This effective implementation has many benefits, such as an increase in sales and revenue. However, to successfully undergo this, it is vital to have a clear goal and strategy in mind.

Businesses need to connect with their customers through digital channels to remain competitive and relevant in today’s marketplace. To do this effectively, companies need various digital marketing tools at their disposal.

Some of the most important digital marketing tools include a website, a blog, social media accounts, and an email marketing program. A website is essential for businesses to showcase their products and services online, while a blog can help companies to connect with customers on a more personal level. Social media accounts are also crucial for businesses as they allow customers to interact with the company more formally. Lastly, email marketing is a great way to keep in touch with past customers and attract new ones.

Additionally, it is essential to have the necessary tools and resources to execute the plan. By following these tips, businesses can successfully transition into the digital age and see an increase in profits.


One of the most critical aspects of successful digital marketing is creating compelling graphics that help you stand out from the competition. 

Good graphic design can help you communicate your message more effectively and make a strong impression on potential customers. It can also improve the overall look and feel of your website or presentation, making it more engaging and user-friendly. In order to create compelling graphics, you need to get people who understand the basics of design theory and experts in how to use software applications like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a critical part of any digital transformation strategy. Your organisation can improve customer engagement and increase sales by leveraging the automation process of sending and tracking email communications.

Digital transformation is all about improving the customer experience, and email marketing is a vital part of that equation. Automating the process of sending and tracking email communications can help you improve customer engagement and increase sales.

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching out to customers and building relationships with them. Automating the process of sending and tracking email communications can help you make the most of that potential.

Social Media Marketing

Many companies are still figuring out how social media marketing can help with digital transformation. However, those that have already begun their digital transformation journey and integrated social media into their overall marketing strategy are seeing great results.

Social media helps companies create a two-way communication channel with customers, which is essential for a successful digital transformation. It also allows companies to collect real-time customer feedback, which you can use to improve products and services. Social media can also create brand awareness and drive traffic to company websites and online stores.

Overall, social media is a powerful tool that can help companies achieve their goals during the digital transformation process. If you’re not sure how social media can help your business, contact an experienced social media marketing agency for guidance.

Customer Service

Digital transformation is not limited to just about updating your technology; it’s also about updating your customer service strategy to meet the needs of modern customers. 

One of the biggest challenges with digital transformation is ensuring that you don’t alienate your existing customers while you’re trying to attract new ones. It’s essential to keep your old customers happy while making changes, which means ensuring that your customer service stays up to date.

To provide good customer service in a digital age, you must respond quickly and effectively to customer queries. You also need to be able to offer a range of support options, including online chat, phone support, and email support.


Bookkeeping is no exception. A business that fails to digitise its bookkeeping process may find itself at a competitive disadvantage. Fortunately, many affordable and easy-to-use digital tools can help companies to automate their bookkeeping.

One such tool is QuickBooks Online. QuickBooks Online is cloud-based accounting software that allows businesses to manage their finances online. It is easy to use and accessible from any device with an internet connection. In addition, QuickBooks Online includes features such as invoicing, tracking expenses, and creating reports.

Another excellent tool for digitising cash management is Moolahmore. This cash flow app allows businesses to track their expenses and income in real-time, build business scenarios, and forecast cash inflows and outflows.

Human Resources

Human resources (HR) must also adapt to changes in work. Traditionally, HR has been responsible for managing employee files, tracking vacation days and leaves, and administering payroll. However, with the advent of cloud-based software and automation tools, these administrative tasks can now be handled by technology. This allows HR professionals to focus on more strategic tasks such as recruiting, training, and developing employees.

Digital transformation can also have a positive impact on employee engagement. By providing employees with new tools and technologies, businesses can help them stay connected and engaged with their work. In addition, by offering flexible work arrangements and remote access to tools and data, companies can make it easier for employees to balance their work responsibilities with their personal lives.


Digital transformation success is not about technology for the sake of technology. It’s not about automating manual processes or implementing new software just because you can. Instead, true digital transformation success comes from using technology to reinvent your business, to make it more agile, efficient and customer-focused.

This means taking a holistic, enterprise-wide view of how you can use technology to improve every aspect of your operation: from marketing and sales to product development and operations. It also means breaking down the barriers between departments and silos within your company so everyone works together towards the same goal.

Only by embracing digital transformation can businesses hope to keep up with the ever-changing demands of consumers and stay competitive in today’s global economy. When you outsource offshore, not only are you leveraging the best talents across the globe practically. You are also getting the best out of the pre-existing advanced technology and tools they use for productivity and high-quality performances and outputs.  



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