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Organic Lead Generation Services With BPO

an organic lead generation funnel

You have probably heard of lead generation as simply the act of buying contacts from a data provider, and cold calling people afterward. This alone may have worked during the pre-smartphone times, but as the business climate transformed, the mechanics of the game have changed too. Organizations are now sponging in organic lead generation ways to make customers come and buy products or services willingly. This takes more than buying prospect data and cold calling.

Does cold calling still work?

Hearing sales and marketing executives say that cold calling has a poor success rate is most likely no longer new to you. As featured on LinkedIn, almost 90 percent of the buyers have nothing to do with the products offered during cold calls. Although it is not a one-size-fits-all notion, you will rarely see new brands practicing this sales strategy.  

However, few organizations still find cold calls working. It becomes effective when call receivers do not take you as pushy, unnecessary, or annoying. Effective cold-calling takes skills and practice. Since this is a time-consuming process, your return on investment becomes at stake if this is the only basket you put your eggs in. 

For best results, outsource a well-vetted and experienced telemarketing agent from an excellent outsourcing marketplace, while putting more of your lead generation efforts in other digital means. 

What is organic lead generation?

Organic lead generation is a series of digital strategies you make to acquire qualified leads. You can get your leads from the people that visit your business website. This means that your potential leads find you by searching for something on the internet using search engines. If the keywords they use match your business, industry, and website content, more likely you will be one of the search results out of millions. 

Your organic leads may also come from your email campaigns and other digital marketing activities, which will be tackled more later on.

Organic Lead Generation through SEO

To appear on the top results of the search engine, your web pages must be well-optimized. Your search engines such as Google will acknowledge your website more if it encompasses the qualities that will help the search engine identify it. There are many things to do to optimize your website completely.  

Optimized Website Blogs

The more you create content on your website, the more the search engine recognizes you. When you publish informative content regularly with the right SEO application, your blogs get a higher chance to appear on the first page of the search engine when people search for such related topics on the search bar. 

Aside from content consistency, your headings, subheadings, semantic keywords, and SEO links also play a vital role in optimization.   

SEO Links

Moving forward to the SEO links, these are the hyperlinks you will include in each of your blog posts to increase search engine recognition. Hyperlinks should be attached to the proper anchor texts so they won’t be misleading. 

The SEO links on your website consist of outbound and internal links. An outbound link is a hyperlink that routes the reader to another website with a different domain name. Meanwhile, internal links are links that route your reader to a single page of your website. 

An inbound link, on the other hand, is a hyperlink to your website that is used in another website’s content. In other words, your website’s link becomes an inbound link if it appears in another website’s content. You can use inbound linking if you have other brands with separate websites. Inbound linking gives signals to the search engine that your website is reliable, with a healthy engagement.

Social Media Content

The calls to action on your social media content contribute to the optimization of your website. Routing your audience to your website through links will increase traffic and total time-on-page.  

How to Generate Leads with SEO

In hindsight, you can use every piece of content you have for internal linking, with links that route readers to your landing pages. You can also collect more contact forms through good website traffic. The main goal of your search engine optimization here is to bring more people in to your website for more potential leads.

Lead Generation With Engaging Content

Polls and Surveys

Fun polls and surveys now and then can go a long way. You can make them more personalized through Instagram stories. This is an organic way to make people message you willingly and build trust. Interesting Facebook posts with polls also create engagement, which increases your brand presence and familiarity.

The next thing you know, more people are already willing to provide you with their email addresses to receive compelling content regularly. These types of content would fill your email list with already interested contacts. 

Ask Your Video Audience to Leave a Comment

You can do this by asking for advice from your audience and providing them with options. Perfect for video content, end your video with questions that drive great conversations. You can also make simple requests like letting them leave a particular word in your comment box if they have stuck with you till the end of your video. 

Some influencers and entrepreneurs use this strategy to improve optimization ranking, gain more followers, and collect a handful of qualified leads in the future. More likely, people who subscribe to your channel also have the same interests as yours. 


If you sell online courses, ebooks, or offer any other digital products or services, doing a webinar is one of the most effective ways to generate leads. You can use this as a freebie in exchange for the email details of the attendees. You can also announce your upcoming free webinar to an exclusive Facebook group with the same interests. 

Webinars are used by sales and marketing professionals to stir excitement in the participants. What they do is they shower you with information that is just enough for you to keep coming back for more. Webinars make a substantial entry point to a sales funnel, from free content to upselling products and services. 

Lead Generation Through Email Marketing Campaigns

Have you ever tried sending an email newsletter to the email addresses you have collected so far? If not, then your business is missing out on a great opportunity to attract new customers. Email marketing campaigns are outstanding for many reasons. For example, they are easy to set up and the majority of the work is automated. However, even if everything can be automated, you still want to send out engaging content to your list regularly, and you will need an email marketing specialist for this. 

Email Popup

Before you plan out email marketing campaigns with your email marketing team, build an email list first. There are many ways to do this but collecting contact details through a web form is one of the most successful email list-building strategies by far. 

Ask assistance from your web development team for the email popup on your website. It should be the first thing that greets your website visitor and is compelling enough to invite more subscribers. Your email marketing specialist will know the right content to put on your email popup. 

Another reason to consider email marketing campaigns is to stay in touch with your existing customers. With the right email marketing strategies, you will turn your customers into returning ones. 

Free Digital Products

Sending your freebies such as ebooks and cheat sheets through email opens more doors to a higher success rate. Nothing is more enticing than receiving free valuable stuff that is conveniently downloadable straight to your phone or computer files. Did they download the free digital product that you sent? Great! This means that they were curious or captivated, and they would love to receive another piece from you, perhaps a new product offer. 


Although emails are mostly sent through automation, this platform still manages to make receivers feel more connected to the senders compared to other channels. Because of this, it is easier for marketers to gather more information from their email lists. 

Use emails as your leverage to make your audience open up about their pain points. Start by sharing yours first. Through this, you can gather data later on that will help you shape up your products and services to offer. This strategy will help you give more value to your readers.

Sell Through Email Announcement

Since emails have the most marketing success rate, you will never go wrong with making an email announcement about your new product launch. To make this work, get an outstanding copywriter. Your copywriter will use words that will stir the curiosity and excitement of the readers and will move them to proceed to your call to action. 

How to Generate Leads Through Email Marketing

As an overview, your email marketing strategies should involve an effective process in generating organic leads. This process pertains to the following:

  • Attracting people to sign up to your email list through an email popup, offering a free digital product or webinar
  • Emailing them the freebie you promised
  • Keeping their interest by sending valuable content regularly
  • Building trust and engagement through personalization
  • Launching your product 
  • Organizing your email lists of potential and existing buyers
  • Repeating the process

Influencer Marketing Lead Generation

Influencer marketing is a relatively new form of marketing, but it has been rising in popularity. What is it, exactly? Influencer marketing uses social media influencers to promote your products and brands. What makes this type of marketing so appealing is that these influencers can reach a large audience. You do not necessarily need to burn your cash for this type of advertising because you can make a good deal with the influencer instead. It may be a product or a free membership. It may also be a free feature of him on your channels if you already have a large-scale audience. 

Outsourcing For Your Organic Lead Generation

online interview for the lead generation specialist position

Without a doubt, outsourcing is one of the fastest ways to generate qualified leads. But, many entrepreneurs struggle with this decision because they do not know where to start. They also tend to worry about the costs. 

If you are considering outsourcing, here are some reasons why you should do it. First, outsourcing frees up your time. If you outsource for lead generation strategies like content creation, you can focus on more important things like product development. Next, you will have a pool of excellent options of talents abroad. Limited and expensive options around your area will no longer get in the way. Lastly, partnering with an outsourcing contact center does not only save you HR costs. It also saves you tons of operational and administrative expenses, from equipment to the latest CRM software.

BPO Talents You Can Hire for an Organic Lead Generation

Moving forward, here are the talents you should not miss for an everyday productive organic lead generation process. 

UI and UX Professionals

The role has evolved over the years, and UI and UX design have become quite sophisticated, but their purpose remains unchanged. UX Designers and UI Designers are responsible for creating an engaging user experience in the product. UI is a term used to describe how something looks, and UX refers to how it works. Creating effective UI and UX design requires collaboration between designers, copywriters, and developers, who need to work together to create the best possible user experience.

Sales Funnel Strategist

The Sales Funnel Strategist is someone who specializes in helping companies create sales funnels. A sales funnel is the path that you want your potential customer to take, for them to purchase your product or service. Depending on the product, the funnel may be different for each customer. A Sales Funnel Strategist helps companies focus on the target audience, giving them a better understanding of the product benefits. They help create a strategy to put the idea into the market and convert leads into sales. 

Email Marketing Specialist

The Email Marketing Specialist is the person who is responsible for the creation, formatting, and delivery of newsletters and other promotional emails. The specialist also analyzes customer data to determine the best time to send each newsletter. In addition, the specialist handles customer accounts to make sure that the company’s emails are being delivered without any issues.


The copywriter writes content for advertising, marketing, or other professional purposes. Companies hire copywriters to try and persuade their readers to purchase their product or service. The skill of the copywriter is crucial in converting your leads.

Digital Marketing Specialist

A digital marketing specialist is a person you call when you need to launch a new product or grow the existing one. Digital marketing is a broad field that includes a lot of different practices, which are all aimed at achieving one goal, reaching and engaging the audience. After a successful reach, you get to collect as many leads as possible.


To wrap things up, lead generation can be done through an organic reach. The organic lead generation strategy attracts an audience that is already mentally invested and engaged with your niche. You only need the right team for each urgent work to be done. In retrospect, outsourcing your organic lead generation tasks every day will grow your brand along with your revenue.



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